4 Common Skin Conditions In Infants

When you are the parent of a young baby, it can be a bit nerve wracking to see anything unusual on them, especially on their skin. Before you take them into the pediatrician or dermatologist, there are a few things to know about four common skin conditions that you may see in your infant.  1. Eczema Eczema is one of the most common skin conditions that infants and children face. Although it may look really bad, it may not be very uncomfortable to them until they get older. Read More 

Diabetes And Dermatology: A Few Tips For Keeping Your Skin Looking Sweet

If you have diabetes, you know that the disease can affect more than your blood glucose levels. When it comes to your skin, diabetes slows the healing process, increases the chance of fungal infections, and causes your skin to be dry and itchy. Keeping your blood sugar level under control is the best way to avoid these problems, but even small fluctuations can create issues with your skin. Here are a few tips to help you keep your skin looking sweet. Read More 

Bothered By Psoriasis? Laser Treatments Might Help

Psoriasis can be embarrassing when the patches of red, scaly skin are in a highly visible place such as your neck or arms. If the patches are on your hands, it may be difficult to keep medicated cream on them since you use your hands so much and wash them often. Light therapy is one alternative, but this treatment usually exposes large areas of your body, even healthy skin, to UV rays. Read More 

Why Should You Be Concerned About A Diaper Rash?

One of the most common skin conditions that babies face is diaper dermatitis or diaper rash. Although a diaper rash is easily treatable, some babies do develop complications that require more intensive medical treatment. If your child has a diaper rash, here is what you need to know: What Caused the Diaper Rash? Diaper rash is far more complex than many parents realize. Although the rashes might all appear to be the same, there are four different types of diaper dermatitis. Read More 

Clear Up Your Skin Flaws By Undergoing A Microneedling Nonsurgical Procedure With The Use Of CosmoPen Technology

Production of collagen decreases as you grow old. Your skin's elasticity is not what it used to be, and there are all these fine lines and wrinkles in addition to acne scars, stretch marks and hyperpigmentation that are flourishing right on your facial skin. All hope is not lost if you're suffering from these conditions along with other obvious cosmetic-type skin conditions. There is a new skin treatment called microneedling that's used with CosmoPen technology to reverse your aging signs and remove other negative skin conditions, which thereby leaves you with glowing skin. Read More